I'm Legit!

My Washington state business license came in the mail! If you were to have told me 10 years ago, heck even 5 years ago that I’d not only be excited but happy about stepping up my game into a whole new world of responsibility and opportunities, I’d have run screaming the other way. But see? I’m happy! I know there are many hurdles to come but I’ve made enough connections in the wider world to know there are people who’ve been there before me and can answer my questions as I stubble merrily along. I’ve officially entered the world of serious crafters!

Unlike some, I’m actually proud that I get to pay taxes. It’s been hard not making enough to submit personal taxes and still voting. I just decided that it was more important to pay whatever taxes I can instead of waiting to reach the lowest amount the state has set. Taxes are important and I really want to pay my share. Plus, years of not being able to pay into Social Security has also made me really really happy to contribute to my own well being in the not so distant future.

So, here’s to all of our collective futures!